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pCMV5 Flag-DPC4 Citations (3)

Originally described in: Partnership between DPC4 and SMAD proteins in TGF-beta signalling pathways.
Lagna G, Hata A, Hemmati-Brivanlou A, Massague J Nature. 1996 Oct 31. 383(6603):832-6.
PubMed Journal

Articles Citing pCMV5 Flag-DPC4

The transcriptional modulator Ifrd1 is a negative regulator of BMP-2-dependent osteoblastogenesis. Onishi Y, Park G, Iezaki T, Horie T, Kanayama T, Fukasawa K, Ozaki K, Hinoi E. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2017 Jan 8;482(2):329-334. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2016.11.063. Epub 2016 Nov 14. PubMed
The Hepatitis C virus NS5A and core proteins exert antagonistic effects on HAMP gene expression: the hidden interplay with the MTF-1/MRE pathway. Dimitriadis A, Foka P, Kyratzopoulou E, Karamichali E, Petroulia S, Tsitoura P, Kakkanas A, Eliadis P, Georgopoulou U, Mamalaki A. FEBS Open Bio. 2021 Jan;11(1):237-250. doi: 10.1002/2211-5463.13048. Epub 2020 Dec 13. PubMed
Colorectal Cancer-Associated Smad4 R361 Hotspot Mutations Boost Wnt/beta-Catenin Signaling through Enhanced Smad4-LEF1 Binding. Lanauze CB, Sehgal P, Hayer K, Torres-Diz M, Pippin JA, Grant SFA, Thomas-Tikhonenko A. Mol Cancer Res. 2021 May;19(5):823-833. doi: 10.1158/1541-7786.MCR-20-0721. Epub 2021 Feb 19. PubMed

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