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pBS hShh (CT#401) Citations (5)

Originally described in: Cloning, expression, and chromosomal location of SHH and IHH: two human homologues of the Drosophila segment polarity gene hedgehog.
Marigo V, Roberts DJ, Lee SM, Tsukurov O, Levi T, Gastier JM, Epstein DJ, Gilbert DJ, Copeland NG, Seidman CE Genomics. 1995 Jul 1. 28(1):44-51.
PubMed Journal

Articles Citing pBS hShh (CT#401)

Sonic hedgehog is a novel tubule-derived growth factor for interstitial fibroblasts after kidney injury. Zhou D, Li Y, Zhou L, Tan RJ, Xiao L, Liang M, Hou FF, Liu Y. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2014 Oct;25(10):2187-200. doi: 10.1681/ASN.2013080893. Epub 2014 Apr 17. PubMed
The Role of Sonic Hedgehog in the Specification of Human Cortical Progenitors In Vitro. Radonjic NV, Memi F, Ortega JA, Glidden N, Zhan H, Zecevic N. Cereb Cortex. 2014 Aug 21. pii: bhu183. PubMed
Multiple roles of Sonic Hedgehog in the developing human cortex are suggested by its widespread distribution. Memi F, Zecevic N, Radonjic N. Brain Struct Funct. 2018 Jun;223(5):2361-2375. doi: 10.1007/s00429-018-1621-5. Epub 2018 Feb 28. PubMed
PGE2-JNK signaling axis non-canonically promotes Gli activation by protecting Gli2 from ubiquitin-proteasomal degradation. Yang J, Wang J, Liu Y, Zhang Y, Huang W, Zou Y, Qiu Y, Cai W, Gao J, Zhou H, Wu Y, Liu W, Ding Q, Zhang Y, Yin PH, Tan W. Cell Death Dis. 2021 Jul 15;12(7):707. doi: 10.1038/s41419-021-03995-z. PubMed
The ciliary gene INPP5E confers dorsal telencephalic identity to human cortical organoids by negatively regulating Sonic hedgehog signaling. Schembs L, Willems A, Hasenpusch-Theil K, Cooper JD, Whiting K, Burr K, Bostrand SMK, Selvaraj BT, Chandran S, Theil T. Cell Rep. 2022 May 17;39(7):110811. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2022.110811. PubMed

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