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pcDNA3-EGFP-Rac1(Q61L) Citations (10)

Originally described in: Localized Rac activation dynamics visualized in living cells.
Kraynov VS, Chamberlain C, Bokoch GM, Schwartz MA, Slabaugh S, Hahn KM Science. 2000 Oct 13. 290(5490):333-7.
PubMed Journal

Articles Citing pcDNA3-EGFP-Rac1(Q61L)

A landscape of driver mutations in melanoma. Hodis E, Watson IR, Kryukov GV, Arold ST, Imielinski M, Theurillat JP, Nickerson E, Auclair D, Li L, Place C, Dicara D, Ramos AH, Lawrence MS, Cibulskis K, Sivachenko A, Voet D, Saksena G, Stransky N, Onofrio RC, Winckler W, Ardlie K, Wagle N, Wargo J, Chong K, Morton DL, Stemke-Hale K, Chen G, Noble M, Meyerson M, Ladbury JE, Davies MA, Gershenwald JE, Wagner SN, Hoon DS, Schadendorf D, Lander ES, Gabriel SB, Getz G, Garraway LA, Chin L. Cell. 2012 Jul 20;150(2):251-63. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2012.06.024. PubMed
Engineered networks of synthetic and natural proteins to control cell migration. Mills E, Pham E, Nagaraj S, Truong K. ACS Synth Biol. 2012 Jun 15;1(6):211-20. doi: 10.1021/sb3000172. Epub 2012 May 4. PubMed
Postprandial triglyceride-rich lipoproteins promote invasion of human coronary artery smooth muscle cells in a fatty-acid manner through PI3k-Rac1-JNK signaling. Varela LM, Bermudez B, Ortega-Gomez A, Lopez S, Sanchez R, Villar J, Anguille C, Muriana FJ, Roux P, Abia R. Mol Nutr Food Res. 2014 Jun;58(6):1349-64. doi: 10.1002/mnfr.201300749. Epub 2014 Feb 24. PubMed
Competition for actin between two distinct F-actin networks defines a bistable switch for cell polarization. Lomakin AJ, Lee KC, Han SJ, Bui DA, Davidson M, Mogilner A, Danuser G. Nat Cell Biol. 2015 Nov;17(11):1435-45. doi: 10.1038/ncb3246. Epub 2015 Sep 28. PubMed
The MYO6 interactome reveals adaptor complexes coordinating early endosome and cytoskeletal dynamics. O'Loughlin T, Masters TA, Buss F. EMBO Rep. 2018 Apr;19(4). pii: embr.201744884. doi: 10.15252/embr.201744884. Epub 2018 Feb 21. PubMed
Rac1/WAVE2 and Cdc42/N-WASP Participation in Actin-Dependent Host Cell Invasion by Extracellular Amastigotes of Trypanosoma cruzi. Bonfim-Melo A, Ferreira ER, Mortara RA. Front Microbiol. 2018 Feb 28;9:360. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2018.00360. eCollection 2018. PubMed
RAC1-Dependent ORAI1 Translocation to the Leading Edge Supports Lamellipodia Formation and Directional Persistence. Lopez-Guerrero AM, Espinosa-Bermejo N, Sanchez-Lopez I, Macartney T, Pascual-Caro C, Orantos-Aguilera Y, Rodriguez-Ruiz L, Perez-Oliva AB, Mulero V, Pozo-Guisado E, Martin-Romero FJ. Sci Rep. 2020 Apr 20;10(1):6580. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-63353-5. PubMed
IQGAP1 promotes anoikis resistance and metastasis through Rac1-dependent ROS accumulation and activation of Src/FAK signalling in hepatocellular carcinoma. Mo CF, Li J, Yang SX, Guo HJ, Liu Y, Luo XY, Wang YT, Li MH, Li JY, Zou Q. Br J Cancer. 2020 Sep;123(7):1154-1163. doi: 10.1038/s41416-020-0970-z. Epub 2020 Jul 7. PubMed
The metastatic promoter DEPDC1B induces epithelial-mesenchymal transition and promotes prostate cancer cell proliferation via Rac1-PAK1 signaling. Li Z, Wang Q, Peng S, Yao K, Chen J, Tao Y, Gao Z, Wang F, Li H, Cai W, Lai Y, Li K, Chen X, Huang H. Clin Transl Med. 2020 Oct;10(6):e191. doi: 10.1002/ctm2.191. PubMed
Trypanosoma cruzi extracellular amastigotes engage Rac1 and Cdc42 to invade RAW macrophages. Medina CM, Ferreira ER, Bonifacio BS, Mortara RA, Bonfim-Melo A. Microbes Infect. 2021 May 3:104837. doi: 10.1016/j.micinf.2021.104837. PubMed

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