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GFP-Myo 1d Citations (1)

Originally described in: Rat myr 4 defines a novel subclass of myosin I: identification, distribution, localization, and mapping of calmodulin-binding sites with differential calcium sensitivity.
Bahler M, Kroschewski R, Stoffler HE, Behrmann T J Cell Biol. 1994 Jul;126(2):375-89. doi: 10.1083/jcb.126.2.375.
PubMed Journal

Articles Citing GFP-Myo 1d

Chiral growth of adherent filopodia. Li W, Chung WL, Kozlov MM, Medalia O, Geiger B, Bershadsky AD. Biophys J. 2023 Sep 19;122(18):3704-3721. doi: 10.1016/j.bpj.2023.06.003. Epub 2023 Jun 9. PubMed

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