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ZapLck biosensor Citations (1)

Originally described in: Biophysical basis underlying dynamic Lck activation visualized by ZapLck FRET biosensor.
Wan R, Wu J, Ouyang M, Lei L, Wei J, Peng Q, Harrison R, Wu Y, Cheng B, Li K, Zhu C, Tang L, Wang Y, Lu S Sci Adv. 2019 Jun 19;5(6):eaau2001. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aau2001. eCollection 2019 Jun.
PubMed Journal

Articles Citing ZapLck biosensor

Anticancer effects of ikarugamycin and astemizole identified in a screen for stimulators of cellular immune responses. Zhang S, Zhao L, Guo M, Liu P, Li S, Xie W, Tian AL, Pol JG, Chen H, Pan H, Mao M, Li Y, Zitvogel L, Jin Y, Kepp O, Kroemer G. J Immunother Cancer. 2023 Jul;11(7):e006785. doi: 10.1136/jitc-2023-006785. PubMed

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