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Originally described in: The N-Terminal Domain of cGAS Determines Preferential Association with Centromeric DNA and Innate Immune Activation in the Nucleus.
Gentili M, Lahaye X, Nadalin F, Nader GPF, Puig Lombardi E, Herve S, De Silva NS, Rookhuizen DC, Zueva E, Goudot C, Maurin M, Bochnakian A, Amigorena S, Piel M, Fachinetti D, Londono-Vallejo A, Manel N Cell Rep. 2019 Feb 26;26(9):2377-2393.e13. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2019.01.105.
PubMed Journal


Weight-bearing activity impairs nuclear membrane and genome integrity via YAP activation in plantar melanoma. Seo J, Kim H, Min KI, Kim C, Kwon Y, Zheng Z, Kim Y, Park HS, Ju YS, Roh MR, Chung KY, Kim J. Nat Commun. 2022 Apr 25;13(1):2214. doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-29925-x. PubMed

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