pRSV-Rev Notes
Addgene diagnostic digest
This gel depicts the NEB 100 bp DNA ladder, the NEB 1kb DNA ladder, and a digestion of plasmid #12253 with the enzyme EcoRI-HF.
We expected the following band sizes for this digest-
EcoRI: 3865bp and 309bp
We see the expected pattern.
Addgene Diagnostic Digest
This gel depicts the NEB 1kb ladder and a digestion of the plasmid pRSV-Rev with the following enzymes: BamHI-HF and XhoI.
Expected Bands:
BamHI-HF 4180 bp
XhoI 4180 bp
BamHI-HF/ XhoI 3886 bp & 294 bp
These results show the expected pattern.