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LL - hNANOGi Citations (1)

Originally described in: High-efficiency RNA interference in human embryonic stem cells.
Zaehres H, Lensch MW, Daheron L, Stewart SA, Itskovitz-Eldor J, Daley GQ Stem Cells. 2005 Mar . 23(3):299-305.
PubMed Journal

Articles Citing LL - hNANOGi

The long noncoding RNA H19 regulates tumor plasticity in neuroendocrine prostate cancer. Singh N, Ramnarine VR, Song JH, Pandey R, Padi SKR, Nouri M, Olive V, Kobelev M, Okumura K, McCarthy D, Hanna MM, Mukherjee P, Sun B, Lee BR, Parker JB, Chakravarti D, Warfel NA, Zhou M, Bearss JJ, Gibb EA, Alshalalfa M, Karnes RJ, Small EJ, Aggarwal R, Feng F, Wang Y, Buttyan R, Zoubeidi A, Rubin M, Gleave M, Slack FJ, Davicioni E, Beltran H, Collins C, Kraft AS. Nat Commun. 2021 Dec 21;12(1):7349. doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-26901-9. PubMed

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