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pCMV5B-HA-Smad2 Citations (1)

Originally described in: MADR2 maps to 18q21 and encodes a TGFbeta-regulated MAD-related protein that is functionally mutated in colorectal carcinoma.
Eppert K, Scherer SW, Ozcelik H, Pirone R, Hoodless P, Kim H, Tsui LC, Bapat B, Gallinger S, Andrulis IL, Thomsen GH, Wrana JL, Attisano L Cell. 1996 Aug 23. 86(4):543-52.
PubMed Journal

Articles Citing pCMV5B-HA-Smad2

Neural crest-specific deletion of Rbfox2 in mice leads to craniofacial abnormalities including cleft palate. Cibi DM, Mia MM, Guna Shekeran S, Yun LS, Sandireddy R, Gupta P, Hota M, Sun L, Ghosh S, Singh MK. Elife. 2019 Jun 26;8. pii: 45418. doi: 10.7554/eLife.45418. PubMed

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