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Morris CellTag and CellTag-Multi Barcoding Libraries
(Pooled Libraries #115643, #115643-LVC, #115644, #115644-LVC, #115645, #115645-LVC, #206045)

  • Purpose

    The lentiviral barcoding libraries can be used to combinatorially index cells for single-cell analysis of clonal dynamics.

    The pSMAL-CellTag library of barcodes allows tracking of clonal transcriptional state.

    The pSMAL-CellTag-multi library of barcodes can be profiled directly with single-cell RNA and ATAC sequencing, to allow clonal tracking of both transcriptional and accessible chromatin state.

  • Vector Backbone


Item Catalog # Description Quantity Price (USD)
Pooled Library 115643 pSMAL-CellTag-V1 1 $540 Add to Cart
Lentiviral Prep 115643-LVC Virus (titer ≥ 1 × 108 TU/mL)
and Pooled Library DNA More Information
1 $2400 Add to Cart
Pooled Library 115644 pSMAL-CellTag-V2 1 $430 Add to Cart
Lentiviral Prep 115644-LVC Virus (titer ≥ 1 × 108 TU/mL)
and Pooled Library DNA More Information
1 $1800 Add to Cart
Pooled Library 115645 pSMAL-CellTag-V3 1 $430 Add to Cart
Lentiviral Prep 115645-LVC Virus (titer ≥ 1 × 108 TU/mL)
and Pooled Library DNA More Information
1 $1800 Add to Cart
Pooled Library 206045 pSMAL-CellTag-multi-V1 1 $540 Add to Cart
Available to Academic and Nonprofits Only

Library Details

Pooled Library Minimum #
of Barcodes
115643 19,973
115644 4,934
115645 5,737
206045 ~80,000

  • Lentiviral Generation

Library Shipping

This library is delivered as suspended DNA in a microcentrifuge tube on blue ice. The tube's contents will not necessarily be frozen. For best results, minimize freeze/thaws.

  • For #115643, #115643-LVC, #115644, #115644-LVC, #115645, #115645-LVC
  • Volume: ∼10 µL
  • Concentration: 10 ng/µL
  • For #206045
  • Volume: ∼10 µL
  • Concentration: 20 ng/µL

Resource Information

Depositor Comments

Please visit (Link opens in a new window)and (Link opens in a new window)for bioRxiv preprints.

The pSMAL backbone was a kind gift from John Dick: van Galen, P. et al. The unfolded protein response governs integrity of the haematopoietic stem-cell pool during stress. Nature 510, 268–72 (2014).

Information for Lentiviral Prep (Catalog # 115643-LVC) ( Back to top )


Ready-to-use lentiviral particles carrying version 1 of the CellTag barcoding library to combinatorially index cells for single-cell analysis of clonal dynamics.


  • Volume 50 µL
  • Titer ≥1 x 108 TU/mL
  • Storage Store at -80 °C. Thaw just before use and keep on ice.
  • Shipment Viral particles are shipped frozen on dry ice. Pooled Library DNA (10 µL at 50 ng/µL) will also be included in the shipment.

Viral Production & Use

  • Packaging Plasmids psPAX2 (plasmid #12260)
  • Envelope pMD2.G (plasmid #12259)
  • Buffer PBS
  • Selectable Marker EGFP


Requestor is responsible for compliance with their institution's biosafety regulations. Lentivirus is generally considered BSL-2. AAV is generally considered BSL-1, but may require BSL-2 handling depending on the insert. Biosafety Guide

Viral Quality Control

Pooled Library Representation:
  • To confirm library representation and distribution, we perform next-generation sequencing on the purified plasmid DNA pool that was used to generate lentivirus.

Titering Method:
  • As of February 2023 the titering method for this library was switched to ddPCR.
  • ddPCR: 293T cells are transduced with serial dilutions of 115643-LVC, harvested several days later, and genomic DNA is isolated. Copies of RRE are measured and normalized to RPP30.

Visit our viral production page for more information.

Addgene Comments

Shipment specifications:

Pooled libraries are shipped on dry ice. Each viral service request also includes virus associated DNA, which is a sample of the purified plasmid DNA pool that was used to generate lentivirus.

How to use this virus:

Please refer to the Morris lab’s protocol for the most up to date protocol for using the Celltag libraries:

How to use the virus associated DNA:

Distribution of this pooled lentiviral library includes virus associated DNA, which is a sample of the purified plasmid DNA pool that was used to generate lentivirus.

Information for Lentiviral Prep (Catalog # 115644-LVC) ( Back to top )


Ready-to-use lentiviral particles carrying version 2 of the CellTag barcoding library to combinatorially index cells for single-cell analysis of clonal dynamics.


  • Volume 50 µL
  • Titer ≥1 x 108 TU/mL
  • Pricing $1600 USD for 50 µL viral preparation + $200 USD for pooled library DNA.
  • Storage Store at -80 °C. Thaw just before use and keep on ice.
  • Shipment Viral particles are shipped frozen on dry ice. Pooled Library DNA (10 µL at 50 ng/µL) will also be included in the shipment.

Viral Production & Use

  • Packaging Plasmids psPAX2 (plasmid #12260)
  • Envelope pMD2.G (plasmid #12259)
  • Buffer PBS
  • Selectable Marker EGFP


Requestor is responsible for compliance with their institution's biosafety regulations. Lentivirus is generally considered BSL-2. AAV is generally considered BSL-1, but may require BSL-2 handling depending on the insert. Biosafety Guide

Viral Quality Control

Pooled Library Representation:
  • To confirm library representation and distribution, we perform next-generation sequencing on the purified plasmid DNA pool that was used to generate lentivirus.

Titering Method:
  • As of February 2023 the titering method for this library was switched to ddPCR.
  • ddPCR: 293T cells are transduced with serial dilutions of 115644-LVC, harvested several days later, and genomic DNA is isolated. Copies of RRE are measured and normalized to RPP30.

Visit our viral production page for more information.

Addgene Comments

Shipment specifications:

Pooled libraries are shipped on dry ice. Each viral service request also includes virus associated DNA, which is a sample of the purified plasmid DNA pool that was used to generate lentivirus.

How to use this virus:

Please refer to the Morris lab’s protocol for the most up to date protocol for using the Celltag libraries:

How to use the virus associated DNA:

Distribution of this pooled lentiviral library includes virus associated DNA, which is a sample of the purified plasmid DNA pool that was used to generate lentivirus.

Information for Lentiviral Prep (Catalog # 115645-LVC) ( Back to top )


Ready-to-use lentiviral particles carrying version 3 of the CellTag barcoding library to combinatorially index cells for single-cell analysis of clonal dynamics.


  • Volume 50 µL
  • Titer ≥1 x 108 TU/mL
  • Pricing $1600 USD for 50 µL viral preparation + $200 USD for pooled library DNA.
  • Storage Store at -80 °C. Thaw just before use and keep on ice.
  • Shipment Viral particles are shipped frozen on dry ice. Pooled Library DNA (10 µL at 50 ng/µL) will also be included in the shipment.

Viral Production & Use

  • Packaging Plasmids psPAX2 (plasmid #12260)
  • Envelope pMD2.G (plasmid #12259)
  • Buffer PBS
  • Selectable Marker EGFP


Requestor is responsible for compliance with their institution's biosafety regulations. Lentivirus is generally considered BSL-2. AAV is generally considered BSL-1, but may require BSL-2 handling depending on the insert. Biosafety Guide

Viral Quality Control

Pooled Library Representation:
  • To confirm library representation and distribution, we perform next-generation sequencing on the purified plasmid DNA pool that was used to generate lentivirus.

Titering Method:
  • As of February 2023 the titering method for this library was switched to ddPCR.
  • ddPCR: 293T cells are transduced with serial dilutions of 115645-LVC, harvested several days later, and genomic DNA is isolated. Copies of RRE are measured and normalized to RPP30.

Visit our viral production page for more information.

Addgene Comments

Shipment specifications:

Pooled libraries are shipped on dry ice. Each viral service request also includes virus associated DNA, which is a sample of the purified plasmid DNA pool that was used to generate lentivirus.

How to use this virus:

Please refer to the Morris lab’s protocol for the most up to date protocol for using the Celltag libraries:

How to use the virus associated DNA:

Distribution of this pooled lentiviral library includes virus associated DNA, which is a sample of the purified plasmid DNA pool that was used to generate lentivirus.

How to cite this pooled library ( Back to top )

These pooled libraries were created by your colleagues. Please acknowledge the Principal Investigator, cite the article in which the plasmids were described, and include Addgene in the Materials and Methods of your future publications.

  • For your Materials & Methods section:

    CellTag V1 Barcode library was a gift from Samantha Morris (Addgene #115643 ; ; RRID:Addgene_115643)
    CellTag V1 Barcode library was a gift from Samantha Morris (Addgene viral prep #115643-LVC ; ; RRID:Addgene_115643-LVC)
    CellTag V2 Barcode library was a gift from Samantha Morris (Addgene #115644 ; ; RRID:Addgene_115644)
    CellTag V2 Barcode library was a gift from Samantha Morris (Addgene viral prep #115644-LVC ; ; RRID:Addgene_115644-LVC)
    CellTag V3 Barcode library was a gift from Samantha Morris (Addgene #115645 ;, 206045 ; RRID:Addgene_115645)
    CellTag V3 Barcode library was a gift from Samantha Morris (Addgene viral prep #115645-LVC ; ; RRID:Addgene_115645-LVC)
    CellTag multi V1 Barcode library was a gift from Samantha Morris (Addgene #206045 ; ; RRID:Addgene_206045)
  • For your References section:

    For #115643, #115643-LVC, #115644, #115644-LVC, #115645, #115645-LVC:

    Single-cell analysis of clonal dynamics in direct lineage reprogramming: a combinatorial indexing method for lineage tracing. Biddy BA, Kong W, Kamimoto K, Guo G, Waye SE, Sun T, Morris SA. Nature. 2018 Dec;564(7735):219-224. doi: 10.1038/s41586-018-0744-4. PMID 30518857(Link opens in a new window)

    For #206045:

    Single-cell lineage capture across genomic modalities with CellTag-multi reveals fate-specific gene regulatory changes. Jindal K, Adil MT, Yamaguchi N, Yang X, Wang HC, Kamimoto K, Rivera-Gonzalez GC, Morris SA. Nat Biotechnol. 2023 Sep 25. doi: 10.1038/s41587-023-01931-4. PMID 37749269(Link opens in a new window).