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pLNCX2-mCherry-VPS4A Citations (2)

Originally described in: Timing of ESCRT-III protein recruitment and membrane scission during HIV-1 assembly.
Johnson DS, Bleck M, Simon SM Elife. 2018 Jul 4;7. pii: 36221. doi: 10.7554/eLife.36221.
PubMed Journal

Articles Citing pLNCX2-mCherry-VPS4A

De Novo VPS4A Mutations Cause Multisystem Disease with Abnormal Neurodevelopment. Rodger C, Flex E, Allison RJ, Sanchis-Juan A, Hasenahuer MA, Cecchetti S, French CE, Edgar JR, Carpentieri G, Ciolfi A, Pantaleoni F, Bruselles A, Onesimo R, Zampino G, Marcon F, Siniscalchi E, Lees M, Krishnakumar D, McCann E, Yosifova D, Jarvis J, Kruer MC, Marks W, Campbell J, Allen LE, Gustincich S, Raymond FL, Tartaglia M, Reid E. Am J Hum Genet. 2020 Dec 3;107(6):1129-1148. doi: 10.1016/j.ajhg.2020.10.012. Epub 2020 Nov 12. PubMed
RetroCHMP3 blocks budding of enveloped viruses without blocking cytokinesis. Rheinemann L, Downhour DM, Bredbenner K, Mercenne G, Davenport KA, Schmitt PT, Necessary CR, McCullough J, Schmitt AP, Simon SM, Sundquist WI, Elde NC. Cell. 2021 Sep 27. pii: S0092-8674(21)01055-2. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2021.09.008. PubMed

Associated Plasmids

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