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PLJR962 Citations (8)

Originally described in: Programmable transcriptional repression in mycobacteria using an orthogonal CRISPR interference platform.
Rock JM, Hopkins FF, Chavez A, Diallo M, Chase MR, Gerrick ER, Pritchard JR, Church GM, Rubin EJ, Sassetti CM, Schnappinger D, Fortune SM Nat Microbiol. 2017 Feb 6;2:16274. doi: 10.1038/nmicrobiol.2016.274.
PubMed Journal

Articles Citing PLJR962

An ABC transporter Wzm-Wzt catalyzes translocation of lipid-linked galactan across the plasma membrane in mycobacteria. Savkova K, Huszar S, Barath P, Pakanova Z, Kozmon S, Vancova M, Tesarova M, Blasko J, Kalinak M, Singh V, Kordulakova J, Mikusova K. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2021 Apr 27;118(17). pii: 2023663118. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2023663118. PubMed
Mycobacteria Tolerate Carbon Monoxide by Remodeling Their Respiratory Chain. Bayly K, Cordero PRF, Kropp A, Huang C, Schittenhelm RB, Grinter R, Greening C. mSystems. 2021 May 11;6(3). pii: 6/3/e01292-20. doi: 10.1128/mSystems.01292-20. PubMed
Genome-wide gene expression tuning reveals diverse vulnerabilities of M. tuberculosis. Bosch B, DeJesus MA, Poulton NC, Zhang W, Engelhart CA, Zaveri A, Lavalette S, Ruecker N, Trujillo C, Wallach JB, Li S, Ehrt S, Chait BT, Schnappinger D, Rock JM. Cell. 2021 Jul 16. pii: S0092-8674(21)00824-2. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2021.06.033. PubMed

Associated Plasmids

CRISPR Inhibition of Essential Peptidoglycan Biosynthesis Genes in Mycobacterium abscessus and Its Impact on beta-Lactam Susceptibility. Kurepina N, Chen L, Composto K, Rifat D, Nuermberger EL, Kreiswirth BN. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2022 Apr 19;66(4):e0009322. doi: 10.1128/aac.00093-22. Epub 2022 Mar 21. PubMed
Mycobacterium tuberculosis sRNA MTS2823 regulates the growth of the multidrug-resistant strain in macrophages. Chen Z, Jiang W, Zhang M, Yu B, Li W, Liu J, Ai F. FEMS Microbiol Lett. 2022 Nov 23;369(1):fnac106. doi: 10.1093/femsle/fnac106. PubMed
CRISPRi-mediated characterization of novel anti-tuberculosis targets: Mycobacterial peptidoglycan modifications promote beta-lactam resistance and intracellular survival. Silveiro C, Marques M, Olivenca F, Pires D, Mortinho D, Nunes A, Pimentel M, Anes E, Catalao MJ. Front Cell Infect Microbiol. 2023 Mar 15;13:1089911. doi: 10.3389/fcimb.2023.1089911. eCollection 2023. PubMed
CRISPR Interference-Based Inhibition of MAB_0055c Expression Alters Drug Sensitivity in Mycobacterium abscessus. Nguyen TQ, Heo BE, Park Y, Jeon S, Choudhary A, Moon C, Jang J. Microbiol Spectr. 2023 Jun 15;11(3):e0063123. doi: 10.1128/spectrum.00631-23. Epub 2023 May 9. PubMed
Insertion sequence transposition activates antimycobacteriophage immunity through an lsr2-silenced lipid metabolism gene island. Li Y, Wei Y, Guo X, Li X, Lu L, Hu L, He ZG. mLife. 2024 Mar 26;3(1):87-100. doi: 10.1002/mlf2.12106. eCollection 2024 Mar. PubMed

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