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pGL3-TK-5UTR-BsmBI-Luciferase Citations (1)

Originally described in: Translational control of breast cancer plasticity.
Jewer M, Lee L, Leibovitch M, Zhang G, Liu J, Findlay SD, Vincent KM, Tandoc K, Dieters-Castator D, Quail DF, Dutta I, Coatham M, Xu Z, Puri A, Guan BJ, Hatzoglou M, Brumwell A, Uniacke J, Patsis C, Koromilas A, Schueler J, Siegers GM, Topisirovic I, Postovit LM Nat Commun. 2020 May 19;11(1):2498. doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-16352-z.
PubMed Journal

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