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pBABE puro mouse IRS-2 myc Citations (4)

Originally described in: Insulin receptor substrate 3 (IRS-3) and IRS-4 impair IRS-1- and IRS-2-mediated signaling.
Tsuruzoe K, Emkey R, Kriauciunas KM, Ueki K, Kahn CR Mol Cell Biol. 2001 Jan . 21(1):26-38.
PubMed Journal

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IRS4, a novel modulator of BMP/Smad and Akt signalling during early muscle differentiation. Dorpholz G, Murgai A, Jatzlau J, Horbelt D, Belverdi MP, Heroven C, Schreiber I, Wendel G, Ruschke K, Stricker S, Knaus P. Sci Rep. 2017 Aug 18;7(1):8778. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-08676-6. PubMed
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Neddylation of insulin receptor substrate acts as a bona fide regulator of insulin signaling and its implications for cancer cell migration. Park JB, Moon GH, Cho A, Kwon M, Park JW, Yi EC, Kim H, Fukuda J, Kwak C, Ko YG, Chun YS. Cancer Gene Ther. 2024 Apr;31(4):599-611. doi: 10.1038/s41417-024-00729-z. Epub 2024 Jan 25. PubMed

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