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C3 luc (T1 del) Citations (2)

Originally described in: Identification of the sequences within the human complement 3 promoter required for estrogen responsiveness provides insight into the mechanism of tamoxifen mixed agonist activity.
Fan JD, Wagner BL, McDonnell DP Mol Endocrinol. 1996 Dec . 10(12):1605-16.
PubMed Journal

Articles Citing C3 luc (T1 del)

TOX3 is a neuronal survival factor that induces transcription depending on the presence of CITED1 or phosphorylated CREB in the transcriptionally active complex. Dittmer S, Kovacs Z, Yuan SH, Siszler G, Kogl M, Summer H, Geerts A, Golz S, Shioda T, Methner A. J Cell Sci. 2011 Jan 15;124(Pt 2):252-60. doi: 10.1242/jcs.068759. Epub 2010 Dec 15. PubMed
Tumor Suppressor Par-4 Regulates Complement Factor C3 and Obesity. Araujo N, Sledziona J, Noothi SK, Burikhanov R, Hebbar N, Ganguly S, Shrestha-Bhattarai T, Zhu B, Katz WS, Zhang Y, Taylor BS, Liu J, Chen L, Weiss HL, He D, Wang C, Morris AJ, Cassis LA, Nikolova-Karakashian M, Nagareddy PR, Melander O, Evers BM, Kern PA, Rangnekar VM. Front Oncol. 2022 Mar 29;12:860446. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2022.860446. eCollection 2022. PubMed

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