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TNFR2-GFP Citations (1)

Originally described in: Johannes Schmid plasmids

Articles Citing TNFR2-GFP

Tsyn-Seq: a T-cell Synapse-Based Antigen Identification Platform. Jin Y, Miyama T, Brown A, Hayase T, Song X, Singh AK, Huang L, Flores II, McDaniel LK, Glover I, Halsey TM, Prasad R, Chapa V, Ahmed S, Zhang J, Rai K, Peterson CB, Lizee G, Karmouch J, Hayase E, Molldrem JJ, Chang CC, Tsai WB, Jenq RR. Cancer Immunol Res. 2024 May 2;12(5):530-543. doi: 10.1158/2326-6066.CIR-23-0467. PubMed

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