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pTRE-GFP-NMHC II-A Citations (3)

Originally described in: Conditional expression of a truncated fragment of nonmuscle myosin II-A alters cell shape but not cytokinesis in HeLa cells.
Wei Q, Adelstein RS Mol Biol Cell. 2000 Oct . 11(10):3617-27.
PubMed Journal

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Phosphoglycerol dihydroceramide, a distinctive ceramide produced by Porphyromonas gingivalis, promotes RANKL-induced osteoclastogenesis by acting on non-muscle myosin II-A (Myh9), an osteoclast cell fusion regulatory factor. Kanzaki H, Movila A, Kayal R, Napimoga MH, Egashira K, Dewhirst F, Sasaki H, Howait M, Al-Dharrab A, Mira A, Han X, Taubman MA, Nichols FC, Kawai T. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2017 May;1862(5):452-462. doi: 10.1016/j.bbalip.2017.01.008. Epub 2017 Jan 31. PubMed
Nonmuscle myosin IIA is involved in recruitment of apical junction components through activation of alpha-catenin. Ozawa M. Biol Open. 2018 Apr 30;7(5). pii: bio.031369. doi: 10.1242/bio.031369. PubMed
Tight Junction ZO Proteins Maintain Tissue Fluidity, Ensuring Efficient Collective Cell Migration. Skamrahl M, Pang H, Ferle M, Gottwald J, Rubeling A, Maraspini R, Honigmann A, Oswald TA, Janshoff A. Adv Sci (Weinh). 2021 Oct;8(19):e2100478. doi: 10.1002/advs.202100478. Epub 2021 Aug 12. PubMed

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