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pET28a-SnoopTagJr-MBP Citations (1)

Originally described in: SnoopLigase Catalyzes Peptide-Peptide Locking and Enables Solid-Phase Conjugate Isolation.
Buldun CM, Jean JX, Bedford MR, Howarth M J Am Chem Soc. 2018 Feb 28;140(8):3008-3018. doi: 10.1021/jacs.7b13237. Epub 2018 Feb 14.
PubMed Journal

Articles Citing pET28a-SnoopTagJr-MBP

SnoopLigase peptide-peptide conjugation enables modular vaccine assembly. Andersson AC, Buldun CM, Pattinson DJ, Draper SJ, Howarth M. Sci Rep. 2019 Mar 15;9(1):4625. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-40985-w. PubMed

Associated Plasmids

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