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Lifetime imaging of a fluorescent protein sensor reveals surprising stability of ER thiol redox.

Avezov E, Cross BC, Kaminski Schierle GS, Winters M, Harding HP, Melo EP, Kaminski CF, Ron D
J Cell Biol. 2013 Apr 15;201(2):337-49. doi: 10.1083/jcb.201211155. (Link opens in a new window) PubMed (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
47954ERroGFP_iE_pCDNA3Mammalian expression vector encoding for the ER targeted and FLAGM1 tagged redox probe roGFPiE (roGFP C147, E147b, C204)
48629ERroGFP_iE_C204Q_pCDNA3Mammalian expression vector encoding for the ER targeted and FLAGM1 tagged insensitive variant of fluorescent redox probe roGFPiE with Cysteine 204 to Glutamine mutation (roGFP C147, E147b, C204Q)
48630ERroGFP_C147S_pCDNA3Mammalian expression vector encoding for the ER targeted and FLAGM1 tagged insensitive variant of fluorescent redox probe roGFP with Cysteine 147 to Serine mutation (roGFP C147S, C204)
48631roGFP_iE_C147S_pQE30Bacterial expression vector encoding for the 6XHis tagged insensitive variant of fluorescent redox probe roGFPiE with Cysteine 147 to Serine mutation (roGFP C147S, E147b, C204)
48632roGFP_iE_C204S_pQE30Bacterial expression vector encoding for the 6XHis tagged insensitive variant of fluorescent redox probe roGFPiE with Cysteine 204 to Serine mutation (roGFP C147S, E147b, C204)
48633roGFP_iL_pQE30Bacterial expression vector encoding for the 6XHis tagged redox probe roGFPiL (roGFP C147, L147b, C204)
48634roGFP_iR_pQE30Bacterial expression vector encoding for the 6XHis tagged redox probe roGFPiR (roGFP C147, R147b, C204)
48635ERrefGFP1_pCDNA3Mam vector encoding for the ER targeted and FLAGM1 tagged insensitive variant of fluorescent redox probe roGFPiE with mut Cys147 to Ser, del insertion147b and mut Cys204 to Glut.Referred to as ref GFP
48644refGFP1_pQE30Bact exp vector encoding for the 6XHis tagged insensitive variant of the fluorescent redox probe roGFP with mut Cys147 to Serine, del insertion147b and mutated Cys204 to Glut.Referred to as refGFP

Antibodies from Article