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Genome-wide gene expression tuning reveals diverse vulnerabilities of M. tuberculosis.

Bosch B, DeJesus MA, Poulton NC, Zhang W, Engelhart CA, Zaveri A, Lavalette S, Ruecker N, Trujillo C, Wallach JB, Li S, Ehrt S, Chait BT, Schnappinger D, Rock JM
Cell. 2021 Jul 16. pii: S0092-8674(21)00824-2. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2021.06.033. (Link opens in a new window) PubMed (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
163631plRL2Optimized M. tuberculosis CRISPRi plasmid; L5 integrating.
163632plRL118Renilla luciferase reporter plasmid; Giles integrating.
163633plRL61Optimized M. smegmatis CRISPRi plasmid; contains an L5 attP region (no L5 Integrase) that allows for integration when co-transformed with an L5 Integrase delivery plasmid (e.g. plRL19, ID #163634).
163634plRL19L5 Integrase delivery plasmid to allow integration of L5 attP only plasmids (e.g. plRL61, ID #163633).
163635plRL117Optimized M. smegmatis CRISPRi plasmid; L5 integrating.
163954RLC12RLC12 pooled library
163955RLC11RLC11 pooled library
166886plRL58Optimized M. tuberculosis CRISPRi plasmid; contains an L5 attP region (no L5 Integrase) that allows for integration when co-transformed with an L5 Integrase delivery plasmid (e.g. plRL19, ID #163634)

Antibodies from Article